Meade DS-2114 ATS-TC

Meade DS-2114 ATS-TC
My Starter Scope:Meade DS-2114 ATS-TC

Eyepiece Kit

Eyepiece Kit
Celestron Eyepiece and Filter Kit - 1.25 Inch Format

Monday, January 28, 2008

My first post.

Hey all, thanks for checking out my blog. I am finding that with a little information even a department store telescope can be very informative and enjoyable. I received my Meade Ds-2114ATS-TC and the Celestron Color CCD Imager for Christmas 07'. Out of the box I was able to have limited viewing success. Just enough that it really sparked my interest in this hobby. I also found that there is a lot of good information out there pertaining to this model, but not really in a centralized location. This is where I hope to be of some assistance. As I go along with my learning on this scope I am going link to all the useful information I come across. I am only going to provide information on products that I actualy own(for now the DS-2114ATS-TC) sorry to all you other model owners looking for answers. Try DS-2114 owners or prospective owners, this is just for you. We will see if we can achieve capturing the tantilizing images they show on the box.

1 comment:

indyindica said...

I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Gnaw Bone Backyard Observatory blog spot, and it is finally here. Suhweet is the first word that comes to mind. I am looking to purchase a telescope soon, but I have limited viewing at my house. I have included a link; I live in the white circle in the middle.

I just finished Stephen Hawking's 'A Brief History of Time,' kind of a Reader's Digest of black holes and worm holes, if you know what I mean,check it out.

I am pretty convinced everyone can learn a great deal about the Meade DS-2114 ATS-TC here, I know I have. Hey keep representing the Meade DS-2114 ATS-TC and in the words of Jack Horkheimer: Star Gazer, "Keep looking up!"

She said I could tell you I got some nudie shots tonight. I am allowed to post them for a fee. So help a brother out, much love.

Matty B.